Anul 2024 a insemnat profesional pentru mine intrarea in era cuantica. Am invatat mult in acest an, in special legat de competitiile profesionale, pentru meserii, prin participarea la 4 [...]
Expozant in Conferinte internationale. Sunt la a 3-a participare ca Expozant in acest an intr-o conferinta internationala. Dupa ce in prima conferinta la Berlin, FTTH Europe Conference, am [...]
During Asia Tech x Singapore Home | Asia Tech x Singapore ( which will take place within 29th – 31st of May, 2024, Vegacomp Consulting will participate in Romania pavilion, [...]
Azi am lansat o emisiune video cu si despre Fibra Optica. Vom avea invitati o data la 2 saptamani, in zi de miercuri, cucare vom vorbit despre noutati, produse, servicii, inovare, cercetare si [...]
Germany needs Fiber Optic workforce. Vegacomp and dibkom are organising together on 2-4th of November, 2022, in Berlin the first Course dedicated to those are non-german and want to work in the [...]
Since August 2022, Vegacomp Consulting signed an Agreement of cooperation with Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers – called SCTE with the purpose of aligning the Vegacomp’s & [...]
#ECST, the Fiber Optic hub from Croatia, is organizing next Fiber Optic Splicing Course from 7th to 11th of November in Vinkovci at Technology Park Vinkovci (TPV). This will be the 7th session in [...]
Vegacomp team is launching today together with Technology Park Vinkovci the first Educational Center for Fiber Optic Technology (called ECST) in Croatia in the oldest continuously inhabited city [...]
Vegacomp signed in December, 2021 the contract with Technoloski Park Vinkovci for creating the Fiber Training Center in Croatia starting with the first 3 courses for Fiber Optic Splicing within [...]
Vegacomp team finalized this month the first Fiber Optic Training for a big company from Oil & Gas industry. The course had been named “The Maintenance of Fiber Optic Networks”, [...]