Research and Development in DRIFMAT Innovative Cluster

 In IOT, Smart City

Vegacomp Consulting has a R&D department and its involvement in Research and Development was realized on 27th of July, 2017 in official registration in a very interesting innovative cluster called DRIFMAT from Magurele. DRIFMAT is coming from Distribuited Reasearch Infrastructure for Materials, Applications and future Technologies.

The associate members of DRIFMAT are the following 9 academic and research institutions:

  1. INCDFM ( – National Institute of Materials Physics
  3. IMT
  4. IFT
  5. Bucharest University – Physics Faculty
  6. Babes – Bolyai University Cluj Napoca
  7. Technical University Cluj Napoca
  8. Ovidius University Constanta
  9. Western University Timisoara

and the following 3 private members:

  1. Vegacomp Consulting from Bucharest, focused on IoT and Smart City projects
  2. ETA2U from Timisoara,, involved in IoT, LoRaWAN network from Timisoara and others
  3. ZIROM from Giurgiu (, Titanium ingots and titanium alloy producers
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